Time & Location
11/17/20, 6:00 PM
11/19/20, 1:00 AM
Zoom Online
About the Event
Instructions & Materials
Instructions on how to access the virtual training and a link to electronic materials will be emailed by Friday, November 13, 2020.
Technology Needed
The training will be presented via an online platform. Participants will need a computer, laptop, smart device (tablet) with internet or Wi-Fi connection or telephone. An email address will be required for each registered participant. A web camera is not required.
Manufacturing or smoking methamphetamine (meth) contaminates residential properties with dangerous and toxic chemical compounds that become airborne and deposit onto walls, ceilings, appliances, floors and carpet, mattresses and any personal possessions exposed. The presence of these chemicals poses a health risk to occupants and a potential liability to property owners. AAHA is hosting a two (2) day virtual training on Methamphetamine Decontamination. This training course will cover aspects of meth lab and meth user (smoking) site decontamination/remediation and clean up. Attendees of the course will learn the tools and skills necessary to decontaminate a building or dwelling where meth has been smoked or produced.
Apple Environmental Meth Removal’s Mark Shepard has over a decade of experience in Meth decontamination. With a background in construction and property management, he has hands on experience with decontaminating and remediating Meth contaminated properties. Apple Environmental has taught decontamination courses to over 250 different companies including; tribal housing authorities, health departments, and government agencies, and they have become leading expert in Meth decontamination.
Who should attend?
Housing Maintenance Personnel and Technicians, Building Managers, Facility Managers, Property Managers, Inspection Staff, Executive Directors, Cleaners, and Construction staff.
Questions or to Register by phone, please call Cynthia Gurisko at (907) 330-8397 or email at cgurisko@aahaak.org