Time & Location
3/7/23, 6:00 PM
3/10/23, 1:30 AM
Dimond Center Hotel
700 E Dimond Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99515, USA
About the Event
This three (3) day in-person training will provide participants with a wide scope of information pertaining to the planning and development of affordable housing projects under NAHASDA. Rather than focusing on a specific topic or type of project, this training will provide participants with the step-by-step process to professionally plan and implement various types of projects from conceptualization through management. Successful project implementation and program compliance is challenging and complex. This training is intended to assist recipients by providing an effective process to plan and manage NAHASDA projects which incorporates program requirements. The training will include a complex case study to provide an opportunity for participants with the opportunity to explore and evaluate various approaches to addressing complex housing challenges in rural Alaska villages. Additionally, training materials will include management tools to support planning and development of projects. Although the training will not focus on compliance, NAHASDA requirements will be incorporated in the training material and project implementation process to facilitate successful project implementation.
Rob Jordan is Co-Owner of Dare to Know LLC., a built environment consulting firm. Rob has more than a decade of experience providing clear, concise, and cogent solutions for housing entities, non-governmental organizations, and executives. He developed High Quality Standards and Uniform Physical Conditions Standards trainings, and organized the Developing Alaska's Sustainable Housing (DASH) 2012 conference for Association of Alaska Housing Authorities (AAHA). Rob holds an MA and BA from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He has served as an Executive Director, President, CEO, Program Manager, Grants Administrator, & Data Manager during his career.
Who should attend?
Executive Directors, Administrators, Development/Rehab Managers, Financial Managers, Project Managers, Planners and Grant Writers.
Questions or to Register by phone, please call Cynthia Gurisko at (907)330-8397 or email at cgurisko@aahaak.org