Time & Location
7/18/22, 4:30 PM
7/19/22, 11:30 AM
ZOOM Online
About the Event
AAHA will host a two (2) day online training to provide guidance and information on Structuring Rents under the Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA). Housing authorities and tribal entities will develop a solid foundation for compliance with the requirements under NAHASDA, as well as learn strategies to make accurate tenant income and rent calculations. The training materials will include the most current information requirements, income limits, and resource materials that includes tools, samples and templates.
Cielo Gibson has been working with 1937 Act and NAHASDA housing programs for over 20 years. Her work includes development of homeownership programs and policies for numerous tribes. As a professional trainer and administrator of NAHASDA programs, Ms. Gibson has extensive experience with Indian Housing throughout the United States and Alaska.
Who should attend?
Admissions & Occupancy Staff, Housing Directors and staff, Finance Directors