Time & Location
11/16/22, 6:00 PM
11/19/22, 1:00 AM
ZOOM Online
About the Event
The Uniform Guidance establishes the administrative and financial management requirements for all Federal grants in accordance with 2 CFR 200. The Uniform Guidance requirements encompass management standards, procurement, reporting, record keeping, allowable costs, audits and much more. In addition to the Uniform Guidance, specific program requirements are established by statute or regulation which supersedes the Uniform Guidance. This three (3) day online training will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the administrative and financial management requirements for the Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) pursuant to the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act (NAHASDA) including the Uniform Guidance. The training will emphasize practical applications of the Uniform Guidance to the NAHASDA program requirements.
David Vought has worked professionally with Indian housing programs for over 39 years. During this time, he developed expertise in all aspects of housing and government administration including planning, program design, construction, contract administration, occupancy and compliance with federal program requirements. Maria Tagliavento, began in accounting and auditing more than 31 years ago. Maria has a wealth of knowledge, experience, and management of a wide variety of businesses, including her primary roles of Controller/Deputy Director and Chief Financial Officer for two Indian Housing Authorities in Alaska.
Who should attend?
Executive Directors, Housing Directors, Housing Managers, Tribal Leaders, Fiscal Officers, Finance Directors, Compliance Officers, Procurement Directors and Officers, Board of Commissioners, and any other staff who have responsibility for compliance with the administrative and financial management requirements of IHBG and require training.